2020 Term 1, Week 4
Please find attached the week’s Newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff 2020 Term 1, Week 4 View Newsletter
June 3, 2020
June 3, 2020
2020 Term 1, Week 2
Please find newsletter attached. Coming home in hard copy are the camp permission letter, parent/teacher conference notice and class letters for Room 4 and GPA.
June 3, 2020
2020 Term 1, Week 1
Kia ora koutou whanau! 2020 has begun. 🙂 Looking forward to an awesome year of challenge, success and courageous endeavours! Waikite Valley School Staff 2020
June 3, 2020
2019 Term 4, Week 9
Dear Whanau, Please find our last school newsletter for the year attached. 🙂 Paper invoices will be coming home with the hard copy today, along
December 9, 2019
2019 Term 4, Week 8
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff 2019 Newsletter, Term 4 Week 8 View Newsletter
December 6, 2019