2020 Term 3, Week 6 newsletter
Good afternoon, Please find the weekly newsletter attached. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff 2020 newsletter term 3 week 6.pdf
2020 Term 3, Week 5
Please find our newsletter attached. 🙂 Our Writers of Waikite and Kaizen Club will start tomorrow and continue every Tuesday and Wednesday until the end
2020 Newsletter, Term 3, Week 4
Good afternoon, Please find our most recent newsletter attached. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff _2020 newsletter term 3 week 4.pdf
2020, Term 3, Week 3
Good afternoon, Please find attached this weeks newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff 2020 newsletter term 3 week 3.pdf
PTA Pie Fundraiser
Please find the pie information and order forms attached. 🙂 Kind regards, Waikite Valley PTA Pie Fundraiser.pdf
Newsletter, Term 3, Week 2
Please find our newsletter attached along with the information and order forms for the PTA Pie fundraiser. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Newsletter, Term 3,