Term 3, Week 6
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Sent home today were Cultural Festival transport arrangement notices. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 3, Week 6 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Sent home today were Cultural Festival transport arrangement notices. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 3, Week 6 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Technical difficulties sorry! Please find attached this weeks newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 3, Week 5 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Parent/Teacher interview forms, for those who haven’t returned them, have been sent home today. Please return A.S.A.P. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 3, Week 3 newsletter 2024 (1)_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff _Term 3, Week 4 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Morning, Please find attached yesterdays newsletter with the correct Pet Day, Wednesday 16th October, and Craft Day, Tuesday 15th October dates displayed. Apologies for any inconvenience. Waikite Valley School Staff Term 3, Week 3 newsletter 2024 (2)_compressed (1).pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Waikite Valley School’s Community Health Survey is on the newsletter. Please click on the link and complete the survey. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 3, Week 3 newsletter 2024 (1)_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. C.B.O.P. Winter Sports day notices were sent home today (Yrs 3 – 4 & 5 – 6) to those children who had shown an interest. Please return as soon as possible. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Term 3, Week 2 newsletter 2024 (1)_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Board of Trustee Nomination forms were sent home to families today. These need to back into the office by 12pm on the 31st July. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Term 3, Week 1 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 10 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this weeks newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 9 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf