Term 4, Week 3
Afternoon, Please find attached this weeks Newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff _Term 4, Week 3 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this weeks Newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff _Term 4, Week 3 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 4, Week 2 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 4, Week 1 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 3, Week 10 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
We have received information regarding the Puwhakamua reintegration programme and am forwarding the pack. If you have any questions or concerns that you’d like to raise please contact Sue Ratcliffe, Principal, or Sophia Burton, Presiding Member. Waikite Valley – Information Pack – Final.pdf
Please find attached this week’s amended newsletter with the correct names on the Board of Trustees results announcement. I apologise that this error was not picked up. Kind regards, Kelly Curtis Term 4, Week 9 newsletter 2024 (1)_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 4, Week 9 newsletter 2024_compressed.pdf
Morning, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Free Lamb & Kid vaccinations/castrations are on this Friday at 2.30pm by the kindy. If you’d like to bring your Lamb/s or kid/s it is essential you let the office know by this Wednesday. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Term 3, Week 8 newsletter 2024 (1)_compressed.pdf
Afternoon, Please find attached an updated version of this weeks Newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 3, Week 7 newsletter 2024 (2)_compressed.pdf
Morning, Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Sent home yesterday were a Lucky Book catalogue, Lamb and Kid vaccination forms and Rippa Rugby Tournament permission slips for years 3 & 4 and 5 & 6. Could you let the office a.s.a.p. if your child/children are having a pet for pet day. Just send a text … Read moreTerm 3, Week 7 Newsletter