Term 2, Week 9 Newsletter
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Attached are invoices. Please inform Kelly of any mistakes or missed payments. Kind Regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 9 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Attached are invoices. Please inform Kelly of any mistakes or missed payments. Kind Regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 9 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 8 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 7 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s Newsletter. Kind regards , Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 6 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 5 newsletter 2023 _compressed (1).pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 4 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 3 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 2, Week 2 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff _Term 1, Week 10 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf
Please find attached this week’s newsletter. Kind regards, Waikite Valley School Staff Term 1, Week 9 newsletter 2023 _compressed.pdf